Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Next month we will be changing two of our play areas into a gift shop and a bank. If you have any gift bags, gift wrap, ribbons, coin wrapper, or Indian corn that you would not mind allowing the class to use, please feel free to donate them.

Save the Date

11th Veteran's Day
20th Thanksgiving Luncheon
21st Thanksgiving Break Begins
29th Last Day of Thanksgiving Break


We will be out of school on November 11th as well as November 23rd until November 27th, if you need childcare during that time please let Ms. Wanda and Ms. Shirley know as soon as possible. We will return to school November 30th.

During the month of November, both Pre-K classrooms will be active in helping our community. From November 3rd until November 20th we will be having Jar Wars where each classroom competes to bring the most pennies in to be donated for Toys for Tots.

Pre-K B will be having a Thanksgiving luncheon on November 20th at 10:30. We have a party sign-up sheet posted at the classroom entrance for all to sign up to bring something. We welcome all to attend!