Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Day With Dad

Monday is our Day with Dad, permission slips have been sent home. Please fill these out and return them at the earliest convenience so that we are aware of who will be attending. If dad is unavailable to attend. The invitation is also open to grandfathers, uncles, brothers, and mothers. Come and have a special day with your child in the classroom!

Monday, January 8, 2007


I have some important things that need attention:
  • It's still chilly outside and our outdoor play time is at 9:00 so please remember to pack a coat or jacket for your child to wear outside.
  • I know sometimes you're busy when you come to pick your child up or drop them off, but we have papers piling up in some cubbies. Remember to check your child's cubby because starting in two weeks, we will empty out items that have been in a cubby for more than two weeks. Please check your child's cubby, they put things in there to share with YOU!

Career Week

From January 16-26, we extend an open invitation to all of our parents to join us in the classroom and tell us about your job. Your children are very proud of you and love telling us about what you do, so don't feel shy about coming to talk to the class. If you'd like to participate in this even, there will be a sign-up sheet at the class entrance for reserving your time and day to come in and join us. Please fill this out before you come to speak to the class so that we can plan for you to join us.

Literacy Bags

Our literacy bags are courtesy of Ms. Kim, our resource coordinator. Each family spends three days with a literacy bag, returning it on the last day. Please make sure that everything that went home in the literacy bag, returns to school.. And remember to fill out the questionarre in the bags to return as well!

Lending Library

Our lending library is in full-swing. We wanted to remind parents of the lending library rules:
  1. Return books on Tuesday
  2. Treat books kindly
  3. Always read with an adult
Our lending library is full of books of interest for your children and each child does have a check-out card. To check a book out, a child does require a parent present to sign their check-out card.

Year Start

It's a brand new year and I thought it would be nice to start things out with a easily accessible web site for all of my parents to come see what is going on in school! I will try and keep this as posted as our classroom is. Please check frequently for updates regarding school events.